Flute for Thought Blogs

Rhonda’s magazine articles

     “Flute Talk Magazine”

“Finding Your Practice Space”

“Essential Tools for Practice”

“Performance Training”

Archived writings from Rhonda

(in order of most RECENT writings)

Travel, Language, Flute of my Labors, and Humility

The month of October was rich with foreign travel: Belarus, Latvia, and Italy. This is one of the great gifts offered by music: a Magic Carpet that flies you off to the far reaches of the globe. We are, after all, itinerant pilgrims, we performing artists. I can think of no greater privilege than this! […]

Catching Up, Sept. 2011

Rhonda Larson’s Flute For Thought Life has been full and rich since the last time I have written my ‘Flute For Thought’. I hardly know where to begin, but probably the likely place would be that we moved to a new location (somewhere in the fall season of 2009), nearer to civilization. Mind you, I […]

A beautiful and auspicious time: NOW!

I happened to be home on the Tuesday of Obama’s inauguration, so I witnessed many of the events that took place, including the great parading troupes of some of our nations finest musicians. I found it to be so inspiring and magical—not something that normally happens to me toward politics or governing practices in general… […]


The Yo-Yo Ma competition in Three Parts: Part One by Rhonda Part Two by Rhonda Part Three, a few Reader Replies PART ONE Four days before a December 31 deadline, an astute friend informed me of a Yo-Yo Ma competition (which apparently began in October!) For the competition, you were invited to create a musical […]

Rhonda Larson