Flute for Thought Blogs

Rhonda’s magazine articles

     “Flute Talk Magazine”

“Finding Your Practice Space”

“Essential Tools for Practice”

“Performance Training”

Archived writings from Rhonda

(in order of most RECENT writings)

Bella Italia, il nostro sogno medioevo

Visiting Italy? Find out more about our house in Roccantica (Beautiful Italy, our medieval dream) I’ve been in love with Italy from the first time I was there with the Paul Winter Consort fourteen years ago.  At that time, we literally had only a few hours to see Rome after our performance on a television […]

Rhonda’s Brief Philosophy of Flute Practice

In working with student flutists, whether adult, college, or high school age, I have come to realize I have specific expectations.  It turns out that these expectations come from my own work ethic and style—philosophy, if you will—so I thought it might be useful to briefly outline some of these details.  I hope they might […]

Reflections from Ireland

My husband Lee and I recently returned from a trip to Ireland. I have loved Celtic/Gaelic music for over a decade, and always wanted to go to Ireland to experience the country where this wonderful music originates. I finally got to make the trip, as I had a solo engagement at the World Music Centre […]

Remembering Julius Baker

Julius Baker was principal flute with the New York Philharmonic for 18 years. He died the night before the Las Vegas 2003 National Flute Association convention. He was 87 years old. I first heard about Julius Baker through my flute teacher, Karen Leech, as an eighth grade student in Bozeman, Montana. Karen’s education stemmed from […]

Rhonda Larson