Rhonda press and fan quotes download (pdf)
“The beautiful sorceress held aloft her magic wand and enchanted the audience…creating
a world of pure tone and emotion.”
—The Anchorage Times
“Without a doubt, one of the world’s most gifted flutists…unbound by musical genres.”
—Robert Walmsley, Musical Soundscapes
“Rhonda’s evening of flute music radiated. There was a straightforward positive musicality to what she did and it cheered the listener.”
—The New York Times
“Rhonda Larson’s flute playing is extraordinary.”
—C.J. Gianakaris, Kalamazoo Gazette
…”What Larson does is to use works of the past as the base on which to build her own flights. And what flights they are! This handsome sylph with the cascade of blond curls and the articulate manner shows not only remarkable technique but great musicality…Part mystic, part leprechaun, here is a woman who bridges worlds.”
––Frank Merkling, The News-Times
“It took mere moments for everyone to let go and happily succumb to a performer who plays flute the way it should be played, from the inside out.”
—Pauline Durichen, Kitchener-Waterloo Record
“You are truly a great player, an emotional player, elegant and graceful.”
—A fan from California
“…played with much passion and virtuosity…very inspiring.”
—A fan from Texas